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West Indian Indigenous Healing Traditions (DSTIM)
W.I. Traditional Healing Core Lessons
Lesson 0: Introduction to Medical Anthropology
Lesson 0b: What is “colonial” about medieval colonial medicine? Iberian health in global context
Lesson 1: West Indian Indigenous Healing Traditions
Lesson 2: The Taíno Indians of the West Indies & Florida
Lesson 2b: History of the Taino People of the West Indies (video) (56:47)
Lesson 3: Caribbean Food & Medicine
Afro-Caribbean Medicine (rare book) PDF
Lesson 4: Ethnobotany of the West Indies
Afro-Cuban Herbal Medicine PDF
Lesson 5: Espiritismo
Lesson 6: Spanish Colonial Medicine
Lesson 7: Haitian Traditional Medicine
Lesson 8: Bwa Mawegan (Bush) Medicine of Dominica
Lesson 9: Quassia Curacao
Lesson 10a: Pirate Medicine
Lesson 10b: Pirate Medicine
Lesson 10c: Amazing Dr. Dover-Discovering of Ipecac-Pirate Medicine-audio
Ancient Medicine in the West Indies (60:34)
Reference Spiritual
Spirits Book, The - Kardec, Allan PDF
Genesis - Miracles & Predictions According to Spiritism - Kardec, Allan
Book on Mediums_ Guide for Mediums and Invocators, The - Kardec, Allan
Taino Medicine References
The Earliest Inhabitants Taino
Taino myth culture book
Medicinal Plants Use in the Dominican Republic: A Delicate Topic
Herbal mixtures in the traditional medicine of Eastern Cuba File
Afro-Caribbean Medicine Resources
The Uses of Plants in Healing Afro-Cuban Religion
Afro-Caribbean Folk Medicine
As vivid as a weed... Medicinal and cosmetic plant uses amongst the urban youth in French Guiana File
Local plant names reveal that enslaved Africans recognized substantial parts of the New World flora File
Quizes for West Indian- African Medicine
Quiz #1
Quiz #2
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Lesson 1: West Indian Indigenous Healing Traditions
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