Eclectic Thai Yoga for Dummies!

Thai Yoga Massage: The No Style Way!

Eclectic Thai Yoga for Dummies!

Updated: December 9, 2022

Now we can have some fun exploring many different perspectives on the traditional Thai way of bring healing and therapeutic outcomes to all of the many issues that we deal with every day. The variety of Marma-chikitsa and Yoga Therapy hands on applications is virtually infinite. It would take an individual many lifetimes to re-create the catalog on both individual techniques and their application Vinyasa.

In this course and the materials presented, I hope to open your eyes to the possibilities! Since we are not the colloquial, local people only practicing what we know on the North side of the river so to speak, we can draw the influences and styles of all of the various regions and ethnic styles. Each of the lessons included here is an homage to the concept and application of the technique set and I am presenting them in an eclectic, mixed style format. These applications of Asana and or Vinyasa are NOT exclusive to any one region, style, school, family or teacher. The idea is to use what was preserved for us and draw from this incredible collections ideas for the best applications for ourselves and the patients we lay hands on for Mat, Table or Chair. These various techniques can and are used in conjuction with other treatments, cleansing, purification, lifestyle, Yoga and Martial Arts practices including Pancha Karma treatment protocols as example.

This is especially true when your consider the following:

A) The history and antiquity of the body of Thai Ayurveda and it's derivatives we call "Nuad Boran" or "Thai Nuat": I recommend several books that I have published with extensive accounting of the history of Thailand and the healing and martial arts traditions that are the genesis of Traditional Thai Medicine: 1) "Krabi Krabong, The Tiger Sword of Thailand" "Nuad Boran, Traditional Thai Medical Massage" 3) "Ayurveda of Thailand, Indigenous Traditional Thai Medicine and Yoga Therapy" 4) Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Religious Therapeutics Theory and Practice 5) Korosot Astrology, Psychology of Chakras for Yoga Therapy...

B) The practices contained in Traditional Thai Ayurveda are geographically and culturally influenced by regional styles. These "styles" reflect the colloquial customs of the indigenous populations... for example, the North because of proximity to China and ethnic Chinese populations reflects more "Chinese" style methods and techniques. The North West reflects Many Hill Tribe indigenous peoples influence such as the notable contributions of the Kachin and Karen peoples... who are originally from the Tibetan highlands. In the South of Thailand we see the strong "Yunani" medicine influence of the substantial Muslim populations and in the Central and Royal influenced area we see more of the Khymer and Hindu etc.

C) Traditional Hatha Yoga influences: All of the fundamental Yoga Asana and therapeutic Postures are found in the repertoire of traditional Thai Yoga practice... All of them. But wait! There's more! Traditional Ayurveda Marmachikitsa as practiced in Thailand is interactive and is performed as a choreography between two to up to five different individuals or Therapist/ physician healers/ Doctors and this choreography is seen as a co-facilitated Asana or posture with Yin and Yang, Male and Female, active and receptive attributes. Many with distinct, recognizable attributes and characteristics unique to the pairing and application. This is readily apparent when we look "Ya Na Ka" or push the leg, "Dak Wu Kao" "Pigeon" postures as examples as they have many , many variations and applications from the basic setup.

D) Therveda Buddhism: As the preservation of the primary traditional, institutional medicine was accomplished by and with the full support and cooperation of the Buddhist monastic tradition of Thailand ? The influence on the practices of Ayurveda coming through the Theraveda monks can not be over estimated!

E) Grandma Doc and familial traditional medicine practices. Maybe this could still be included in the idea of regional exclusive styles and practices... But is is a microcosm of the local or regional styles including some variations that are not typical of the region in which the families live! It is traditional in Thailand for concepts and practices of healing traditions including formula, herbology and Nuad to be passed down in the form of oral tradition from one generation to the next. Some fo these family styles are themselves powerful and unique. I include them in my lessons as I have discovered them.

I hope seeing this variety of expressions and practice will further open your eyes to the possibilities that we offer in SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Thai Yoga Ayurveda practice and clinical applications.

Cheers, Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James

As always comments, and sharing of this information and the lessons presented here at LearnThaiYoga are appreciated!

Your Instructor

Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James
Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James

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